Sunday, November 1, 2009

White Coat

Yeah that picture wasn't planned I don't know how Greg ever got that one. White coat ceremony was fun. The speakers talked for way too long but that is okay we had fun with Greg & Debbie coming out. It rained the whole weekend they were here but we still drove around and saw the sights.

It was fun to celebrate getting the white coat but it seems a little early to be celebrating. If feels like we still have a very very long road ahead of us until we feel prepared to wear the white coat.


  1. I am so happy to see a post!! It is good to hear and see what you have been up to! :) Your pumpkin carving looks way better than anything we did, stencil or not - ours were not even worthy of a picture. You both look great in your white coats too - tell me what the ceremony is officially for..?? You both look good! Love, Em

  2. WOW! You really updated! I love it! I am soooo sad we missed the whitecoat ceremony! But hey, you got one, so that's what matters, right? THen later you get a fancier, loooonger one...and that means you are MORE special of a doctor:) I love the pumpkins! We didn't even doo any this year! Trapper got one from scouts so we carved that one, but my kids didn't seem so care, so I'm good! Love and miss you two twerps!
