Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tennesse Football

So Luke & I were finally given some time off of school this weekend. We took advantage of it and went to a Vols (University of Tenessee) football game. We had a ton of fun, payed way too much for our tickets, and got soaked in the rain. It was a blast. I bought the tickets two or three weeks ago for this game, knowing we had time off. Walking into the game people were scalping tickets for 10$. Granted, they were probably way worse seats than I originally bought but I learned my lesson, we will take our chances and try from now on to scalp tickets.

We took the advice of a ward member and parked away from the stadium and took the trolley into the game. We were telling another ward member of where we had heard to park and he told us that we were going to get shot if we parked there. We were a little skeptical but we took our chances and parked there. It wasn't bad during the day. It was a little rough when we came back though. We ended up eating at this little pub close by. It was super good and had big screens for fans to watch the game. I thought people in Utah were a little fanatic about college football. My eyes have been opened on how into football people are here. They are very proud of their college teams. It is a little crazy if you ask me.

The game was sooo much fun. We had really good seats and the people around us were extremely nice. Around half time the some of the people behind us left. The guy behind us offered to let us to sit in some cushioned seats. It was great. Anyway the game was great, we got lost trying to get back to the trolley and and didn't get home until 2 in the morning. Good thing we are on break.

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