Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Rain & Green

So things out here just grow like crazy. We let our lawn go for three weeks without mowing it because we were too crazy and didn't have a lawn mower yet. Luke finally got around to mowing it but missed a big spot. I don't know if you can tell but it is really like a jungle. The grass that is the shorter of the two has probably grown for a week. Cholo won't go out in it unless Luke has recently mowed it. It rains all the time. We have friends that said a few years ago he was spitting watermelon seeds off his back porch and the next year they had watermelons and still do. And they aren't any tiny dinky little things either they are huge. Anyways, crazy what water can do.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

White Coat

Yeah that picture wasn't planned I don't know how Greg ever got that one. White coat ceremony was fun. The speakers talked for way too long but that is okay we had fun with Greg & Debbie coming out. It rained the whole weekend they were here but we still drove around and saw the sights.

It was fun to celebrate getting the white coat but it seems a little early to be celebrating. If feels like we still have a very very long road ahead of us until we feel prepared to wear the white coat.


So I was bummed that we had to go buy pumpkins this year but what can you do. We had fun carving them. Luke is the noncreative one and just used a stencil--like usual. Hope everyone had a happy halloween. We had some friends over and their little boy said mine was scary. Not what I was going for but hey, whatever works.

Tennesse Football

So Luke & I were finally given some time off of school this weekend. We took advantage of it and went to a Vols (University of Tenessee) football game. We had a ton of fun, payed way too much for our tickets, and got soaked in the rain. It was a blast. I bought the tickets two or three weeks ago for this game, knowing we had time off. Walking into the game people were scalping tickets for 10$. Granted, they were probably way worse seats than I originally bought but I learned my lesson, we will take our chances and try from now on to scalp tickets.

We took the advice of a ward member and parked away from the stadium and took the trolley into the game. We were telling another ward member of where we had heard to park and he told us that we were going to get shot if we parked there. We were a little skeptical but we took our chances and parked there. It wasn't bad during the day. It was a little rough when we came back though. We ended up eating at this little pub close by. It was super good and had big screens for fans to watch the game. I thought people in Utah were a little fanatic about college football. My eyes have been opened on how into football people are here. They are very proud of their college teams. It is a little crazy if you ask me.

The game was sooo much fun. We had really good seats and the people around us were extremely nice. Around half time the some of the people behind us left. The guy behind us offered to let us to sit in some cushioned seats. It was great. Anyway the game was great, we got lost trying to get back to the trolley and and didn't get home until 2 in the morning. Good thing we are on break.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

4th of July Weekend

So I Guess I don't get how to do this blogging stuff and I don't have enough patience. Most of the pictures are first and the story is down farther. Yes I know a few pictures are in there twice this blogging thing is stupid!!

The rest of the weekend was a pretty crazy one. Luke growing up and didn't enjoy fishing much. But since we have been married and you can't hunt all of the time he has taken up fishing. Greg and the rest of Luke's family is totally supportive of this decision. We had fishing marathon. When Luke told me we were going fishing the next day I assumed it would be for a few hours at the near by resivor but was I was surprised. We left at six that morning to travel on a very bumpy mountain road over to the Otter Creek. Just to realize that we had remebered everything except the fishing poles. Luckily, Luke called a few people and we were able to borrrow a few. We spent the rest of the morning on the boat trolling around for fish. I caught lots of green weeds while Luke and Greg each caugh a few. In the meantime Debbie took a little nap.

We weren't done there though. We headed up on to Monroe mountain to fish at the manning. Before that we were starving. Greg had packed us all a can of soup to cook over the fire. Luke caugh a huge fish at Manning that he was very proud of. We then decided to try out Barney Lake which I have decided is one of the most peaceful lakes and probably one of my favorites. With no luck there we headed off the mountain. To head right back up the beaver mtn. Where we meet Lane & Mel & Cally & Josh. We ate dinner (which was super good thanks to Cally, she redeemed herself of the horrible grilled cheese sandwiches) and floated around the lake on float tubes ( which was tons of fun)!!! And then headed home after dark. We had a pretty crazy fun day with Greg & Debbie even though we were dead dog tired when we got home.

yeah that is Cholo swimming away

So we had a really long 4th of July weekend. We spent half of it with my family and half of it with Luke's family. We planned on hiking spooky and peakabob canyon but because of the rain the slot canyons had been flooded so we decided to hike calf creek. We didn't realize how long this hike was and didn't bring much water so we were very glad to finish the hike in the end. We resorted to dipping our shirts in the river. Then when we got there Tyler Monks & Brek were brave enough to swim out to the waterfall not once, but twice to get better pictures. We had fun but we were worried that mom wouldn't make it off but once Tyler ran back a Mt. Dew and a pain pill she was good to go. We had a ton of fun and pigged out when we got back to the truck. The rest of the weekend Luke & I spent with the Allen's.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Bike Ride

While up north we wanted to hit some biking trails up north. Unfortunately, the morning that we planned to ride it started to rain. To kill time we went out to breakfast at Mimi's, and browsed through the selection of hats at Burlington coat factory. The rain finally cleared and we decided to try the paths just above Cally and Josh's house. We started out pretty well flying down a slightly muddy hill. It looked like the trail was going to be a good one. But we soon found out that the rest of the trail was straight up hill on slippery muddy slope.

It was a long battle to get up the hill but we finally made it. Our tires were caked with mud to the point that we would lose traction up the hill. Once to the top the trail crossed a paved road and then continued off down another large hill. We chose not to go down another muddy hill to just go up another one. We decided to take the paved road back to the car. On the way back to the car mud was flying off our tires that we were covered in mud from head to toes. Lesson learned don't go on a mountain bike ride after it has rained.