If you are ever thinking about getting a big dog there are some definite advantages to having them around. Like keeping people out of the backyard, eating all the neighborhood cats, and digging up all the gophers in your backyard. But these all have to be out weighed with the negatives. Such as chewing up Luke's shoes, chewing up the garden hose, killing all the plants in the backyard. So next time you see an adorable little puppy just remember that they will eventually grow up to chew up everything you leave laying around.
So, I've been REALLY bad at checking blogs the last few months. But, it gave me a bunch of posts to catch up on for you guys. I can completely sympathize with the big dog problem. I can't tell you how many hoses, balls, shoes, zucchinis (yes, stolen from my garden), etc. we have had to clean up from Buzz. Hopefully yours will end sooner than ours has. He's 4 and still chews away! It was fun to catch up with your life a little through your blog. Love you guys and can't wait to see you in a few months!