Sunday, January 1, 2012

Crazy Moments in Life

You know all those times when you see something crazy and wish you had your camera? Well, I lucked into a few of you go :)

 Craig Lewis' invention: the "Handi-cap" cap with "Handi"....if you don't get it by now, go talk to someone older :)

Hint: To be sold at golf courses.

Who woud want to sit on this anyway?

-Seen at Lagoon. 

-Seen at MIT

Apparently, this is really popular in Eastern KY and TN. They sell this at EVERY Walmart....yuck. Eat your heart out, Lane :)

I'm posting this because I think that there is some definite punctuation that is missing....on EVERY "Slow" sign. There were so many of these.

-Seen at Calf Creek in Escalante.

Could you give a creek a more crazy name? Really!?!??

-Seen between Pineville, KY and Barborville, KY.

A restroom within an elevator! EXCELLENT! So much standing in one place....may as well be relieving yourself, right?

-Seen at SUU math building.

Here is a good example of why we are one of the most overweight countries in the world--this & the fact that we have enough food to eat to make us overweight. Hardee's is the East Coast's Carl's Jr.

Last, but not least, is the story of my friend Dustin Bradley. Apparently, this woman went into a sidewalk store and bought this bag for her grandkids. Then thought, "Hey, I can still us my SIDE worries!" Yeah.....she made it about 10 ft from the parking spot and got pulled over--no joke! He helped her load it.

-Seen near Lin's Market in Cedar City